I am 'watching' the All Blacks vs France Rugby World Cup game on Twitter. It is not on Japanese TV. This means that I have been reading tweets in English and French, and I must say I am enjoying discovering that I understand French.
Take this, for example:
Franchement il sont courageux et ont du mental. Ils n'ont rien lâché malgré ces terribles essais intérieurs assassins.
That was really easy to understand.
The French, they are courageous and mental. They are not lazily malingering against the especially terrible interior assassins.
I'm thinking of becoming a translator.
I could join you! LOL
I had one year of French in college; actually a semester, since the instructor only covered 1/2 of the book over the year. Combined with the fact that she spoke French with her native German accent and suffice it to say I know very little French!
That got me to laugh out loud.
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